Spinal Cord Injuries

          As Bone and Spine is a start up journal we have only few Articles in that one article is completely about Spinal Cord Injuries. If we discussed deeply about this article we have many points to note few of them are Patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) impose a heavy burden on health care system. Awareness on prevalence and incidence of SCI is important because this would show the necessity of prevention. It will cause clotting of blood and compression by a fractured tumor or bone, as spinal cord is very important to all living organisms.

Spinal cord will develops from the right from mother womb at the 3 month of fetus and it is considered as backbone to all living organisms. Without spinal cord living organism won’t survive now a day’s many injuries are happening with the spinal cord especially in old people because of less energy or fitness or health of the patient mainly in the case of women compare to men. There are many cases in which failures are there in spinal cord injuries. The spine injures will happen due to the outbreak of trauma of stretching or applying lots of pressure on the Spinal column. We have more than 100 spinal cord injuries hospitals in the world some of them are Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Arizona Spine & Joint Hospital, Arkansas Surgical Hospital, Aurora Bay Care Medical Center,  etc.,

The exact number of spinal cord injuries in the world is not exactly known, but according to the WHO the international estimates data suggests that between 250,000 and 500,000 people each year have spinal cord injury. Recent studies show an increase in the age of onset of (SCI), and a progressive increase in the proportion of non-traumatic Spinal Cord Injury (NT SCI) cases, due in part to the aging world population, promiscuous and infectious pathologies.

According to research the age group between 38 to 65 are mostly effected with these spinal injuries and road accidents plays a key role in these injuries followed by falls and also one more reason for spinal cord injuries is there is no exercise for the people .The people who are working are also facing these problems because they won’t sit straight and  they lean their back so for that also spine injuries are happen  this will known by the vertebral scan and  X-ray of spine. The time interval from 3 to 6 months was the duration of rehabilitation treatment for the majority of patients.

The present study has just shown the fragility of spinal cord injured patients in post-discharge period and the still low level of autonomy requiring special attention of the health authorities.
The above Content has got retrieved from WHO, To have a glance please visit: Click Here